Category: Blog Post
Wiretapping Claims Threaten to Drown Out “Big News”
Using Tweets, President Trump accused Former President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during Trump’s presidential campaign. Beginning at 3:35 a.m. Saturday morning March 4, Trump tweeted: 3:49 a.m. 3:52 a.m. 4:02 a.m. On Monday, March 6, House Republicans announced their new healthcare plan which would replace...
ABC, CBS Untangle Wiretap Claims
Does the evening news have a responsibility to analyze the most complicated stories? On Monday, Mar. 6, all three networks covered President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower. Legal surveillance requires a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) order. A FISA warrant for Trump...
CBS doesn’t cover Jewish Community Center threats
Violent threats against Jewish communities have been rising since January. On Feb. 20 bomb threats against 11 Jewish community centers across the country led to panic and evacuations. ABC and NBC evening broadcasts covered the threats including details of previous threats. They also covered President Trump’s...
Pelley compares Trump’s lies to attacks on media
Anchor Scott Pelley regularly corrects President Trump’s misleading and false statements on CBS Evening News. In the past few weeks, Pelley has corrected Trump on the number of people Obamacare covers, the national unemployment rate and his claims that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. On...
NBC, CBS Take Opposite Approaches in Reporting Trump Press Conference
As national news networks are scrutinized for potential bias, NBC and CBS broadcasts on Feb. 16 characterized Donald Trump’s first press conference as president very differently. NBC anchor Lester Holt began by contrasting how liberals and conservatives viewed the speech. He also acknowledged its unique nature...