Report says Donald Trump violated federal law in 1998, ABC and CBS stay quiet

News organizations have gotten plenty of criticism during the 2016 presidential race for not focusing on the issues that matter to many voters. Friday night, ABC and CBS may have added fuel to the blame-the-media fire. Early Sept. 30 Newsweek released a report stating that Donald Trump...

Clinton Emails, Worth the Coverage?

On Sept. 13 Clinton’s pneumonia and her “deplorables” comment dominated all three evening news broadcasts. CBS, however, then made a different turn. CBS covered a congressional hearing regarding the former secretary of state’s private email server—the third hearing in five days. ABC, NBC, The New York Times,...

Voices of the Voters, Not the Polls

On Sept. 27 CBS Evening News dedicated five whole minutes to the “Voices of Voters.” The ratio of Trump to Clinton voters was noticeably unbalanced. CBS correspondents went to debate-watch parties in three different cities. In Los Angeles, all attendees were Latino and none supported Donald Trump. CBS...

Scott Pelley

CBS Voter Panels: What’s Their Purpose?

The September 26 presidential debate arrived and finished with a bang. A record number of roughly 80 million tuned in. The next day the CBS Evening News incorporated and intriguing component: groups of voters.  CBS devoted nearly half of its political coverage to the three groups of voters...

Networks Divided on How to Fact Check

The Sept. 26 presidential debate demanded fact checking. It was unclear what the next day’s broadcasts would do. NBC responded with fifty-five seconds of fact checking inside another story. CBS had a whole story devoted to it. ABC avoided fact checking altogether. NBC’s Peter Alexander pointed...

ABC Mixes Polls and Makes Clinton Look Better

In the wake of the New York bombing, ABC and NBC both reported polling data Sept. 19 on how voters thought presidential candidates would handle terrorism. Both networks had the same data but showed different results. If you watched ABC, Hillary Clinton seemed like the favored candidate:...

Did NBC News Miss the Trump Story?

On September 14 Donald Trump spoke at the Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint, Michigan. When he began criticizing Hillary Clinton, pastor Faith Green Timmons interrupted, asking him to focus on issues in Flint. ABC led its broadcast with the story. CBS did a story with its...